If you would like to check out yourself, here is some important terminology to look out for!
On the Main Page
公演名検索 - Search for a performance/event by name. The search function is very picky about spelling. If the group you are looking for has a Japanese name, be sure to search for that name.
大好き★ジャニーズのチケット - This is the section of the site where they list all available JE tickets!
売れ筋ランキング - a list of the events that have recently sold the most tickets
On the Ticket List Page
On this page, there is a list of the dates/venues at the top of the screen.
On the Main Page
公演名検索 - Search for a performance/event by name. The search function is very picky about spelling. If the group you are looking for has a Japanese name, be sure to search for that name.
大好き★ジャニーズのチケット - This is the section of the site where they list all available JE tickets!
売れ筋ランキング - a list of the events that have recently sold the most tickets
On the Ticket List Page
On this page, there is a list of the dates/venues at the top of the screen.
You can select a certain date/venue you want a ticket for, or you can click 全日程 to browse a list of all the tickets available.
Next, there is a list of key terms and symbols.
Next, there is a list of key terms and symbols.
New - Ticket was added to the site in the past 24 hours or less 今日まで - Today is the last day to buy the ticket Grey Box - Ticket does not have a name Yellow Highlight - Ticket is within 1000yen of face value price あと2日 - Tomorrow is the last day to buy the ticket Pink Box - Ticket has a female name
チケエク - Ticket is in stock (no チケエク requires stock verification) Orange box - There is no blotting out on the tickets Blue Box - Ticket has a male name
Next is a column of functions that help you sort the list of tickets.
チケエク - Ticket is in stock (no チケエク requires stock verification) Orange box - There is no blotting out on the tickets Blue Box - Ticket has a male name
Next is a column of functions that help you sort the list of tickets.
全ての条件を含む- look at all tickets regardless of conditions
女性名義のみ - female name tickets only
男性名義のみ - male name tickets only
名義記載なしのみ - tickets without a name only
お得チケットのみ - tickets only within 1000yen of the ticket face value price
取引中を除く - removes tickets that have already been sold (very useful!)
Next let's look at the list of tickets.
女性名義のみ - female name tickets only
男性名義のみ - male name tickets only
名義記載なしのみ - tickets without a name only
お得チケットのみ - tickets only within 1000yen of the ticket face value price
取引中を除く - removes tickets that have already been sold (very useful!)
Next let's look at the list of tickets.
From left to right, the columns are as follows:
The first column is the performance/group name. It will always have a チケエク or no チケエク. As you can see, the チケエク rows are highlighted blue, while the no チケエク rows are white. If you opt to buy a チケエク ticket, payment is due straight away. If you opt to buy a no チケエク ticket, the seller must first confirm their stock, then you send payment once stock is confirmed. This is also the column where the Yellow Highlight would appear if the ticket is priced within 1000yen of the tickets face value price, a New would appear if the tickets was posted for sale within 24 hours, the あと2日 would appear if the tickets will be sold only until tomorrow, and the 今日まで would appear if today was the last day to buy a ticket.
The second column, date/time, display the date/time of the show that the ticket is for. Japan uses military time, so be careful! The show above would start at 6:30pm.
The third column is the venue location.
The fourth column is the ticket information section. The ticket above are all tickets with female names (Pink Box) that have no blotting out (Orange Box). If the tickets had a male name, you would see a Blue Box. If the tickets had no name, you would see a Grey Box. The image above is for tickets that do not yet have seat assignments. There are other important terms in the column that are regularly used. Here are a few:
FC or ファンクラブ - indicates and FC tickets
Jticket - indicates a Jticket (JE tickets sales to the general public via the Jticket service)
【B】......【A】と連番になります and 【A】.....【B】と連番になります - indicates that these tickets, although being sold separately, are next to each other (other symbols are also used)
公演日の1週間前発送予定 - shipping of the ticket is planned for about one week before the show
座席未定 - seat location is not yet fixed
公演中止の際には - This phrase indicates the seller has provided instructions on what will happen if the event is canceled. Some will return payment minus the cost of shipping/the fee paid to the website. Some will only refund the face value of the ticket. Some will offer no refund at all.
Once seat assignments are announced, the following terms are useful:
スタンド - Stand
ゲート - Gate
列 - Row
#~# 番 - Seat number between # and #
アリーナ - Arena
ブロック - Block
立見 - Standing
The 5th column shows the number of tickets for sale, whether you can buy them in a pair or not, and the ticket price. Please note that prices are always listed as the price per ticket. 1枚のみ means only 1 ticket is available to buy. 2枚連番 means 2 tickets are avaialble to buy. バラ売り可 mean that there are 2 tickets available to buy, but buying only 1 ticket is okay. バラ売り不可 means that 2 tickets are available but you can only buy the tickets as a pair (buying just 1 of the tickets is not possible).
The last column show the ticket availability. In the picture above, all of the tickets can still be purchased. If you see a red 取引中 that means the tickets are no longer available and have already been sold.
Hopefully all the above information will help you navigate the website if you want to look at the available tickets yourself!
The first column is the performance/group name. It will always have a チケエク or no チケエク. As you can see, the チケエク rows are highlighted blue, while the no チケエク rows are white. If you opt to buy a チケエク ticket, payment is due straight away. If you opt to buy a no チケエク ticket, the seller must first confirm their stock, then you send payment once stock is confirmed. This is also the column where the Yellow Highlight would appear if the ticket is priced within 1000yen of the tickets face value price, a New would appear if the tickets was posted for sale within 24 hours, the あと2日 would appear if the tickets will be sold only until tomorrow, and the 今日まで would appear if today was the last day to buy a ticket.
The second column, date/time, display the date/time of the show that the ticket is for. Japan uses military time, so be careful! The show above would start at 6:30pm.
The third column is the venue location.
The fourth column is the ticket information section. The ticket above are all tickets with female names (Pink Box) that have no blotting out (Orange Box). If the tickets had a male name, you would see a Blue Box. If the tickets had no name, you would see a Grey Box. The image above is for tickets that do not yet have seat assignments. There are other important terms in the column that are regularly used. Here are a few:
FC or ファンクラブ - indicates and FC tickets
Jticket - indicates a Jticket (JE tickets sales to the general public via the Jticket service)
【B】......【A】と連番になります and 【A】.....【B】と連番になります - indicates that these tickets, although being sold separately, are next to each other (other symbols are also used)
公演日の1週間前発送予定 - shipping of the ticket is planned for about one week before the show
座席未定 - seat location is not yet fixed
公演中止の際には - This phrase indicates the seller has provided instructions on what will happen if the event is canceled. Some will return payment minus the cost of shipping/the fee paid to the website. Some will only refund the face value of the ticket. Some will offer no refund at all.
Once seat assignments are announced, the following terms are useful:
スタンド - Stand
ゲート - Gate
列 - Row
#~# 番 - Seat number between # and #
アリーナ - Arena
ブロック - Block
立見 - Standing
The 5th column shows the number of tickets for sale, whether you can buy them in a pair or not, and the ticket price. Please note that prices are always listed as the price per ticket. 1枚のみ means only 1 ticket is available to buy. 2枚連番 means 2 tickets are avaialble to buy. バラ売り可 mean that there are 2 tickets available to buy, but buying only 1 ticket is okay. バラ売り不可 means that 2 tickets are available but you can only buy the tickets as a pair (buying just 1 of the tickets is not possible).
The last column show the ticket availability. In the picture above, all of the tickets can still be purchased. If you see a red 取引中 that means the tickets are no longer available and have already been sold.
Hopefully all the above information will help you navigate the website if you want to look at the available tickets yourself!